Dear Comrades,
The Central Council of the Youth Front of the Party of Labour of Austria sends solidarity and fraternal greetings to the Congress of the League of Young Communists USA and all its members and militants.
The Youth Front was only founded in March of this year. The Youth Front was founded to give Austrian youth a communist, a Marxist-Leninist youth organisation. Since March we have been carrying out a nationwide founding campaign, which will culminate in the founding congress to be held at the beginning of October this year. In our founding declaration it says: “The Youth Front will now become active as a rallying point of the youth in the revolutionary class struggle against capitalism and imperialism, for socialism and communism. We are internationalist and anti-militarist and oppose opportunism and reformism in the workers’, pupils’ and students’ movements.”
The Youth Front sees itself as an internationalist youth organisation. The development and consolidation of exchange and cooperation with other progressive, anti-imperialist and communist youth organisations is of great importance to us. We are happy that the LYC USA is interested in an exchange with us.
We wish the delegates of your congress a fruitful and purposeful discussion and decisions. We wish you a successful second congress.
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Long live Marxism-Leninism!
Long live the League of Young Communists USA!