
Greetings to the Second Congress of the League of Young Communists USA from the Bangladesh Youth Union (BYU)

We are watching that, Capitalism is facing its own doom, neoliberalism has failed as its own predictable
consequence. right now we are living in such world where food crisis, health crisis and environmental
crisis is making the world citizens suffer, yet the capitalist ruling class is conspiring to oppress africa asia
to maintain the world domination rather than solving the crisis. the amount of anual military budget
of USA alone can solve hunger, illiteracy and poverty of africa forever but still we don’t see USA
authority is not interested here but we see them aiding white supremacists in ukraine which shows
clearly that imperialist capitalism is not working for humanity or peace or nature. we support your
struggle and resistance inside USA and the success of your struggle will help the people of the world
to establish equality, justice and peace. We are glad to see your straggle for the oppressed people
around the world.

Greetings to the Second Congress of the League of Young Communists USA from the Bangladesh Youth Union (BYU) Read More »

Greetings to the Second Congress of the League of Young Communists USA from the Communist Party of the Peoples of Galicia (PCPG)

Queridos camaradas de la LYC, el PCPG y los Colectivos da Mocidade Comunista (CMC) – que es la juventud
comunista del PCPG (Partido Comunista do Povo Galego) os enviamos los mejores deseos de éxito en los
debates y acuerdos de vuestro II Congreso que vais realizar mañana 27 de Agosto del presente año 2022

Greetings to the Second Congress of the League of Young Communists USA from the Communist Party of the Peoples of Galicia (PCPG) Read More »

Greetings to the Second Congress of the League of Young Communists USA from the Socialist Students Front of Bangladesh

Greetings dear comrades. On behalf of the struggling students and youths of Bangladesh, we
extend red salutes to all the delegates of your second congress and to all the comrades who
have come on this occasion. The way you are fighting imperialism inside the United States is
both an inspiration and a lesson to us.

Greetings to the Second Congress of the League of Young Communists USA from the Socialist Students Front of Bangladesh Read More »

Greetings to the Second Congress of the League of Young Communists USA from the Italian Communist Youth Federation (FGCI)

the current political phase is characterized by important upheavals on the
international front: not only concerning current conflicts, first of all the war in
Ukraine, but also the show of strength that the US Government is carrying out in
multiple scenarios, Taiwan above all. The USA keep generating conflicts,
rejecting every diplomatic solution, preferring military ones. The decline of the
USA is evident: the flee from Afghanistan has sanctioned the end of an
“adventure” for the USA, the loss of influence in the Middle East, the rise of
progressive governments in South America, the economic rise of China and its
policy of diplomatic cooperation with other nations. These are only some of the
factors that are threatening the leadership of the USA; the neverending attempts
for war by the USA are the last resort they have to try to maintain their power
over other nations. A strategy that every day is threatening the life of people and

Greetings to the Second Congress of the League of Young Communists USA from the Italian Communist Youth Federation (FGCI) Read More »

Greetings to the Second Congress of the League of Young Communists USA from the Communist Party of Albania

The Communist Party of Albania addresses you with this congratulatory message for your second Congress, which will be held on July 27, 2022. The development of a Congress is an important event for communist youth and for the entire Communist Movement in the USA, because it is the balance of work and achievements, but also define the tasks for the future of our common struggle against the wild and exploitative capitalist system.

Greetings to the Second Congress of the League of Young Communists USA from the Communist Party of Albania Read More »